Web Developer and Digital Strategist

Web developer, digital strategist, and blogger. I write about website-related topics including web design, web development, security, hosting, performance, and search engine optimization (SEO). Moreover, I build websites for a living, scale them, and advocate for best practices.

Let's Talk!
picture of me posing in the cafe
programming in a laptop with books at the side

Building Websites and Scaling Them

My Main Craft

I help businesses create a digital presence online to maximize their business outreach. By focusing on industry best practices, the sites built by me are more performant, secure, and accessible than the average Joe does.

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From the Blog
arisch swinging about in the swing

Programming Languages & Technologies

My Stack

Some of the technologies that I use in my day-to-day activities. My blog uncovers valuable information and insights for you to get started today.
